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Problem vs. Solution: Radon

Problem vs Solution Radon - Image 1

When it comes to being invisible, radon is just that. It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. It is also a radioactive and naturally occurring gas that could be lurking in and around your home. Continue below to find out more about radon and what we can do to help.

The Problem: Radon

As stated above, radon is tasteless, colorless, odorless, and naturally occurring, and not to mention the second leading cause of lung cancer behind smoking, killing 21,000 people every year. When exposed to harmful levels of radon, you and your family are at a greater risk for serious health problems down the road. 

The Solution: Radon Mitigation System

The first step in determining the radon levels in your home is to test for it. There are a couple different options for testing. Homeowners can choose to use a company who tests for it (for more immediate results) or an at-home test kit. Woods Basement Systems can provide homeowners with at-home test kits, which includes lab fees in the total cost.

The EPA states that homes with radon levels of 4 pc/L or higher need to take action to reduce these levels. If it is discovered that your home does in fact have high levels, it is crucial to have a radon mitigation system installed. The mitigation system will use a PVC pipe to collect the gas from the soil. This pipe runs upward on the outside of your home. It will then use the depressurization vent to remove the radon away from the home, all while reducing your lung cancer risk.

For more information or to receive a radon test kit or get your free estimate on a radon mitigation system, visit our website or contact us today!

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Woods Basement Systems
524 Vandalia Street
Collinsville, IL 62234