Basement Waterproofing Photo Album: Waterproofing A Home In Crystal City, MO
A home in Crystal City, Missouri, had some water seepage issues that needed to be addressed. Woods came out and installed some products to fix these. The first install was the WaterGuard System. This specialized piping system is installed directly into the floor to prevent issues with clogging. It will direct any water it finds to a sump pump for removal. The next install was not one sump pump, but two! Because of the water concentration is localized in two places, two sump pumps were required to control the issue. The TripleSafe Sump Pump is a top of the line system with multiple pumps to remove water. the homeowners also included the UltraSump, which is a back up battery powered sump that will activate in the event of a power outage. The last installs were new sump pump discharge lines. The piece attached directly to the home is called an IceGuard. This outlet has specially made holes to prevent issues commonly seen with frozen pipes. At the end of the line is the LawnScape Outlet, which will direct and release the water far from the home's perimeter. With these installs in place, this home is sure to stay dry for years into the future.
Site For Sump Pump 1
This is where the first sump pump and section of WaterGuard will be installed.
Sump Pump Install
Here is the first sump pump, fully installed and ready to keep conditions dry!
Site For Sump Pump Number 2
Here is the other problematic area in need of a sump pump.
New Sump Pump
This second sump pump install will keep this room and ultimately, the rest of the house much dryer.
Sump Pump Discharge Lines
These IceGuards will keep ice from clogging up the lines.
Wide Angle Of Sump Pump Discharge Lines
This LawnScape Outlet will release water from the home's perimeter.